Friday, 3 April 2009


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and vonventions of ral media products?
After going through a range of different research techniques I created my own music magazine which is called Planet Rap.

I looked at many rap magazine on the internet and studied a range of different double page spreads to get a general feel of how the articles were written and how the overall page looked. I then put these ideas together to form my own layout. My double page spread. I have 2 photos on my double page spread one where the artist is looking at the camera and on the other page where the artist is looking at the photo of his looking directly at the camera. This is an idea i used from one of the magazines i looked at. I have also noticed from Rap artists how they pose for a photo shoot, they are arrogant and they like to pose, i adopted this idea for my character"Jay O", i wanted him to be arrogant in his photos and posey so that it ressembled a real Rap artist.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine highlights the Rap genre similar to the ideology of the rap magazines iv looked at. Specifically in my article it highlights how people can come from a bad background and achieve big things, and how its happens alot in the Rap Industry these ideas can be represented through the music industry. I have chosen to take a photo with him stood against a graffiti wall with the photo been taken whilst looking up at him, this suggests that he is from a bad background or a disruptive background and that he has achieved alot as we are having to look up at him, this means that he is better than his old background and know that you should look up at him, he is arrogant because he has achieved alot. Also having him pointing up the sky suggests that rap music isnt the only thing for him, the sky is the limit, this is called social mobility, this is moving from his social setting.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience I originally chose was teenagers both male and female who are interested in rap music. Also peole who are interested in knowing that if you are from a bad background and have a child at a young age you can achieve things you dont need to give up. I kept to young teenagers as I felt my magazine could contain taboo language. I feel now however that people older than teenagers could be interested in my magazine.
I used a simple magazine name - 'Planet Rap' which stands out and gives a general idea that the magazine is a music magazine which has rap music from around the world. I used the name as well because the artists dont want to be just known for their contribution to Rap Music, the want the planet to know who they are, so Rap music isnt the only path for them. I used specific styles, features, text size, fonts, design and graphics to attract my audience, my front page has bright colours and a big photo of the feature artist in the magazine. My contents page is simple with a lightened photo of my main artist in the middle pointing to the sky. My double page spread uses the colours black and red often symbolised with Rap music to get your attention. Rap music is often symbolised with death and trouble, that is why black and red are good colours to use in the article.

What have you learnt about technologies from the procre of constructing this product?
I certainly feel I have made process since my first task, picking up skills and ideas on certain programmes. My preliminary task is very simple, I didn't use photoshop of other complex programs to make it, I didn't do as much research as I recently did for my final task and I only did one draft.
I feel I have learnt to produce initial drafts so that i can see how my magazine would have improved, do a lot of research and try out a range of different ideas.

The programmes I can now use confidentally are Publisher, Paint and Photoshop. I have learnt how to blend graphics together, how to use different font effects and many other skills.